"Keep a green tree in your heart, and perhaps the singing bird will come." -- Chinese Proverb

I spent $3 on this little bird. No job, no prospects and I still bought it. So unlike me, who tends to be conservative in even the best of times. It makes me smile. It gives me hope. It helps me keep a green tree in my heart. It reminds me that spring will surely come. Surely?
Even though my tulips are covered in snow, I dreamed last night that they were tall enough to pick. Tall enough to put in a vase. The day is coming. It's just not here yet.
How do you turn such a short post into beautiful, poetic writing? You amaze me, my dear. Simply amaze me.
I've been praying for the beginning of Spring in your heart -- bright and beautiful with all the hope and happiness you deserve. Sounds like my prayers are being answered. xoxoxo
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