Today's the Day: New Year Take 2.
Why? Well, I thought this year got off to a sort of rocky start for me. First, the kids were sick. Then I had a bad attitude. Then I just could not get motivated to do anything. Call it the winter blues or whatever I didn't want it setting the tone for the entire year. So I decided to declare a New Year take 2. I mean, hey. I can celebrate again and put myself in a position to expect a better 2011.
Why today? It just feels like a good day. The sun is out. The broken heater in the house is fixed. I'm having lunch with friends. I've already had a good workout today. Dinner is planned and should be easy. I've been cleaning and doing laundry. So far it feels like a good, productive day. The kind of day I want to fill my 2011 with. So there you are.
2011, I'm ready for you.
oo. good idea. can I do mine in August do you think?
Great idea! I think it's my New Year's diet that needs a mulligan.
I need a take 2 also. Awesome idea.
I feel like I just started my New Year this week, too! Sometimes it's good to make a fresh start... even if it's not at the beginning. :)
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