"On the day I die, I want to have had dessert."
from Anne Lamott in the book "Plan B: Further Thoughts on Faith"
Welcome to my world. Where sometimes things are planned, sometimes things fall apart, and sometimes we let things just spin with the breeze.
What a great quote. At the rate I'm going, I can guarantee that I will have eaten some sort of dessert on the day I day... in fact, probably more than one... :o)
Sounds like words to live (and die) by....
Love, love, love this. I'm sorry I have neglected you. I've neglected all the blogs, even mine. We got a new baby and I was on the road quite a bit, helping out and then there was the blizzard that I drove in--I may never recover from the fright--it's on the blog and it's w-a-y too long, I should edit it but I need your talent to do it properly. and then Taylor fell in the carport and hit his head and laid there for an hour, at night, unconscious. When they got to the hospital his temp was 104. He has a broken nose, a horrible laceration on his head with accompaning goose egg and a broken rib. So...I've taken three dinners to them this week plus making caramels like a mad woman. Anyway, I've been looking at your blog and reading. DeAnn, write and get published!!! (And you know how I HATE extra exclamanation points.
but they were needed.) Do this. The world needs your stories. You are a fantastic author. I love everything you write. I'm looking at Ride The White Horse Home, from Amazon. One--or maybe more--of the grandchildren might have to get that for Christmas. And I'm thinking about tasting the soap--I did that to a couple of my kids. I wonder if they have recovered. Everything you write I LOVE. You know what I want to hear, right? That your book is at the publishers. Chop, chop. Hurry. Miss you like crazy. Love you forever, too.
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