My name is etched on the back of my mother's headstone.
Welcome to my world. Where sometimes things are planned, sometimes things fall apart, and sometimes we let things just spin with the breeze.
Is it because “Wyoming in Winter” sounds so alliterative that you have to be snowing, again. I mean, really?
Or was the color “spring green” just too much for your comfort zone pallet of brown, tans, and sagebrush? Was that it? Really?
Maybe the state highway budget for clearing and plowing roads still has a major surplus. Or perhaps, being the 2nd least densely populated state, you thought that no one would notice. Or care? Was that it, Wyoming? Really?
Or were you just playing a cruel trick on the bears who’ve already come out of hibernation? It could be that, since you’re the last state alphabetically, you’ve not yet received the memo that spring began on March 20th! I mean, really, Wyoming. Snow again? Really?!!